Information For Authors

Submission and Review Process

  1. To help us streamline the review process, please format the paper according to our guidelines. The guidelines can be found here (linked here) 
  2. ​​​​​​Please review our Ethics and Publication Malpractice statement.
  3. Email your paper to 
  4. The initial double-blind review will be completed within 45 days
  5. If revisions are requested, revisions must be made within the timeframe specified by the reviewers
  6. If the paper is accepted, the paper will be put in production and you will be notified of the approximate publication date
  7. Questions should be addressed to the appropriate Editor

Double-blind Peer Review

MSJ is committed to an objective and fair double-blind peer review process. Manuscripts are evaluated solely on their quality and contributions to the literature. The names, affiliations and details of the authors will be concealed from the reviewers. Likewise, the identities and profiles of the reviewers will not be revealed to the authors. Authors are advised to follow the MSJ submission guidelines (linked here) to facilitate the double-blind review.